Brand owners concerns have been listened to…

Oct 21, 2019, 23:51 PM

AdultBlock is the new method to protect your brand against. Have you ensured that your brand is registered against term all four TLDs .adult .porn .sex and .xxx.


Protects your brand from
abuse and cyber squatting
Block trademark labels across all 4 TLDs (.adult, .sex, .porn, .xxx)
Covers available names and future registrations will be
automatically blocked
Block premium domain names
Cost-effective brand protection blocks look-alike variations similar to the trademark termBlock variant Labels in your SMD File and Sunrise B .xxx names.
Saves you money – block across all four extensions at an economical priceBlock Unicode variant names – homographic protection in 24 languages (e.g. Bank, BÄΝΚ, ßank)

It is essential to understand that the more well-known your name, the more valuable it is, the more likely it will be attacked, and therefore the greater the importance of protecting it.

Act now- Protect your brand 01908 200 022

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